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Noticias de Wine in Moderation
Iniciativas de los miembros


ACIBEV promotes Wine in Moderation at the 17th edition of Essência do Vinho

ACIBEV promotes Wine in Moderation at the 17th edition of Essência do Vinho

ACIBEV was present at the 17th edition of one of Portugal’s leading consumer wine fair “Essência do Vinho”, in Oporto, to promote two programmes – “Wine in Moderation” and “Responsible Service creates Sustainable Business”.

As part of its commitment to the Wine in Moderation program and the National Alcohol and Health Forum, ACIBEV distributed promotional merchandise, such as pens and notepads that presented the Wine in Moderation guidelines for a moderate and responsible consumption of wine, and handed out over 3’500 brochures containing the new message “Choose| Share | Care” and the guidelines for a low-risk consumption.

From 21 to 24 February, ACIBEV’s social responsibility film, subtitled in English and Portuguese, was continuously displayed to communicate the drinking guidelines and to promote responsible consumption as a cultural/social norm in order to prevent and reduce abuse and alcohol-related harm.

Aiming to educate professionals and raise awareness about the responsibilities involved in the sale of alcoholic beverages, ACIBEV also handed out over 500 flyers and 7 training manuals.

This initiative reached about 4’000 people.