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Τα νέα του Wine in Moderation
Πρωτοβουλίες μελών


“Taste: between sharing and heritage” Vin & Société decodes the trends

“Taste: between sharing and heritage” Vin & Société decodes the trends

"Taste: between sharing and heritage - the pleasure of cooking, eating together, pleasures of wine", was the theme of the decoding meeting organized by Vin & Société on April 16, 2019 in Paris.

Catherine Le Grand-Sébille, lecturer in socio-anthropology of health at the Faculty of Medicine of Lille conducted a study on the transmission of the taste of wine and food during a field search. She asked sociologist Jean-Claude Kaufmann, research director at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), a specialist in everyday life, and author of “Families at the table”* in 2007, to take a look at this research conducted with chefs and winemakers in several appellations and departments of France.

"When it comes to food, the transmission is more vertical, that is, it goes through parents or grandparents. The transmission of the taste of wine is much more horizontal: one learns wine between friends, between peers, and not in family" analyzes the sociologist-anthropologist.

For Jean-Claude Kaufmann, there is a break in transmission. "Youth organizes their friendly and nutritional rhythms for a time of their life. But this is only a particular moment. Then, as young people settle into adulthood, we will see the whole transmission again, with a desire almost unconscious of what was seen and lived in childhood. And it starts very early. There is the idea of ​​impressing them with a family dish that carries family history."

The evening ended around the reminder by Joël Forgeau, president of Vin & Société of the fundamental mission that lies with his association: the transmission of wine values ​​in France.

The interviews of Catherine Le Grand Sébille and Jean-Claude Kaufmann and a summary of the evening are available on the Vin & Société YouTube channel.


* Original title in French: « Familles à table”