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Neues von der WiM-Organisation


Wine in Moderation to present digital Responsible Service training tool at 45th World Congress of Vine and Wine

Wine in Moderation to present digital Responsible Service training tool at 45th World Congress of Vine and Wine

Wine in Moderation will present its digital Responsible Service training tool at the OIV Congress, which will take place from 14-18 October in Dijon, France. This online tool will be available to all professionals from around the globe working with wine who want to build on their knowledge and experience by learning more about responsible service.

The tool is comprised of nine training modules with topics ranging from wine/alcoholic beverages and health to responsible advertising, the wine-related legal framework, responsible wine tastings or oenotourism. Furthermore, since wine drinking patterns vary depending on socio-cultural factors, and legislation related to alcohol differs from country to country, the modules have been adapted accordingly with the valuable help of the WiM National Coordinators.

Planning to attend the OIV congress, let’s meet ! Contact us at [email protected].

Do you have questions about this training? Get in touch with us by sending an email to [email protected] or contact the National Coordinator in your country.