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Wine in Moderation and Professional Education at Oenorama 2014 Wine-Expo

Wine in Moderation and Professional Education at Oenorama 2014 Wine-Expo

On the occasion of the 2014 Oenorama wine exhibition (Saturday 8 March 2014 | 11.00 to 12.30 | Hall 1), the Leonardo da Vinci's VETArtdeVivre Partnership Programme will be discussing wine education in relation to culture, health and responsible wine consumption with key stakeholder professionals.

Presentations will be given by the Wine in Moderation-Art de Vivre Aisbl, the Pan-Hellenic Union of Registered Enologists (PANEPO), the Pan-Hellenic Union of Sommelier (PENO), the Deutsche Weinakademie, Vin et Société and the University of Split. 

The session will present the work developed so far by the VETArtdeVivre Partnership Programme in the field of Vocational Education and Training of Wine Professionals and will address wine, health and responsible drinking issues.
A discussion and Q&A session related to responsible drinking and approaches responding to the needs of the Greek Wine Professionals & consumers will take place at the end of the session and will be a crtitical part of the event.

Key Stakeholders (authorities, industry, NGO's, consumers) have been invited to participate in the event, among those: EDOAO, SEO, KEOSOE, Hellenic Chamber of Hotels, Association of Greek Tourism Enterprises, ΗΒΑ, Nifalioi, Ekpizo, Vocational Education Providers, Academic Institutions, State organisations, etc.

To see the analytical programme click here.

For more information about the event, visit the wine-expo's event-dedicated website: http://www.oenorama.com/, their Facebook page or the event's organisers websites: PANEPO, PENO, WIM Aisbl.