Ruffino's journey as a Wine in Moderation Ambassador Company: promoting responsible drinking

Ruffino joined Wine in Moderation as Ambassador Company in 2021 in the frame of their broader strategy “Ruffino Cares” which includes all activities linked to sustainability and more broadly, Ruffino’s objective of becoming a “Brand of purpose” by 2025.
With the goal of making the Wine in Moderation message its own, Ruffino has developed a number of actions within the company, implementing, for example, the “Wine Communication Standards” self-regulation code to communicate its products in a responsible way, and highlighting the Wine in Moderation message on labels. Empowering and educating employees, specifically those in contact with customers and visitors was also an important part of the plan which both led to Ruffino taking part in the first edition of the WiM Day in one of the pilot countries.
For this first WiM day Ruffino conveyed the message of Wine in Moderation, together with the patronage of the Municipality of Florence and the Metropolitan City of Florence, as well as in newspapers and media active in the area (ANSA, TG3 (min 14:20) and 055 Firenze). A nutritional biologist also joined Ruffino to make a presentation on the moderate and responsible consumption of wine in front of younger individuals in four schools in the Tuscan area, including two professional hospitality schools, involving around 250 students.
The feedback was very positive indeed with participants showing an important awareness of the distinction between consumption and abusive use of the product wine. In parallel, these meetings however also highlighted there still exists misinformation and false myths about what moderation means and the effects of combining wine with other foods and substances.
Considering the positive results of this first edition, Ruffino will repeat these presentations, which have allowed students and future professionals of the tomorrow’s hospitality sector to help new generations make increasingly responsible and sustainable consumption choices.