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ACIBEV raises awareness on the risks of drinking and driving through driving simulation at Essência do Vinho wine fair in Oporto

ACIBEV raises awareness on the risks of drinking and driving through driving simulation at Essência do Vinho wine fair in Oporto

ACIBEV showcased its "driving simulation under the influence of alcoholic beverages" initiative at the Essência do Vinho wine fair in Oporto from February 23-26, 2023. Over 420 visitors had the opportunity to experience the effects of different BAC levels through special glasses. This initiative aims to raise awareness among consumers about the importance of moderation and the dangers of drinking and driving.

In addition, ACIBEV displayed their new social responsibility film, which was subtitled in English and Portuguese, and a film providing guidelines for low-risk consumption and information on when not to drink. They also distributed 800 leaflets with messages on the importance of moderate consumption and guidelines for low-risk consumption, as well as promotional items such as pens, key rings, and notepads with the Wine in Moderation logo. ACIBEV plans to attend four more events in 2023, including one in Oporto and three in Lisbon.